Saturday, November 14, 2009

Drinking soda and cavities?

How many cavities have you had filled, and how many do you have?

I've had like 4 - 5 and im 26 years old but i drink alot of soda 1-2 a day

Drinking soda and cavities?
I have had quite a few small cavities filled in my back teeth (molars). I drink only diet soda and have about 5 per week. getting cavities can be affected by our diet, homecare (how well we brush/flosss) and our body's immune system (how well it fights off the bacteria that cause cavities, gum disease and periodontal disease).

If you are pregnant and wondering about your oral health, here is a link to the American Dental Association's section on oral health during pregnancy:
Reply:Not seeing what this has to do with pregnancy, but I have had none, am 28 and used to drink 2-3 sodas a day until I became pregnant (1 or 2 a week now).

Drinking soda and having sweets isn't what causes cavities, it's not brushing and flossing after having them. I used to eat a lot more junk food than I do now, and I just made sure that I brushed 3 times a day and flossed in the evening (sometimes again in the morning too).
Reply:I have had tons of cavities and the strange thing is that I do not drink soda and I do not eat candy (I will have a candy bar maybe 3x per year). My teeth were so bad as a child that I had to have 5 of my baby teeth pulled. I am now in my late 40's. I have only lost 2 adult teeth (one was a wsdom tooth that was coming in side-ways and they had to pull it). I floss and brush 3x/day. I think that genetics have a lot to do with it.

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