Monday, November 16, 2009

Is it safe to have cavities filled during pregnancy?

I am 32 weeks pregnant and went to the dentist today. I need to have two cavities filled next week. Is it safe?

Is it safe to have cavities filled during pregnancy?
It is safe...just tell the dentist that you are pregnant and they will alter things to make it safer. I work in a dental surgery and pregnant women get surgery all the time, they are fine.

IF they take a xray they will put a lead blanket over your stomach so you will be safe. but sometimes a xray is not necessary
Reply:You're not usually allowed to have epinephrine, which helps the numbing stuff work. I had gotten a few filled while I was pregnant and they had to keep giving me more shots. Normally I numb reallllly easy, but I could still feel the pain. I just didn't want any more shots. But to answer your question, yes it normally is safe. My dentist made me get an okay from my OBGYN.
Reply:Yeah, no problems. I had one filled the other day. They weren't able to use the white colored filling because it needs UV light to dry in place, so I could only have the silver color but it was my rearest molar so i went ahead and did it.

EDIT: I didn't have a problem with my shot. It wore off pretty quickly but he had my tooth filled so quickly, he just did two shots in the beginning and I was all set. My mouth was completely fine by the time I walked out to my car though which is never the case.
Reply:yes its ok. Dentist wouldnt schedule it otherwise
Reply:Yes. They give you special stuff to numb your gums/teeth that is safe for pregnant women - I read all about this online before I had my dental work done. The dentists are very good about working with pregnant women - make sure you tell them again when you go back for your dental work!
Reply:Yes! don't listen to those old wives tales. Your dentist wouldn't suggest it if wasn't safe. At 32 weeks he obviously knows you are pregnant!
Reply:As far as everything I've heard, and experience I've had while pregnant, its best not to do anything besides the routine exam and cleaning until after baby is born.
Reply:my dentist would not fill any of my cavitites while i was preggo... he said just to make an appt right after i deliver!!
Reply:Well, I didn't think dental procedures were safe while pregnant, so I put off a root canal until after my baby was born. When my dentist asked me why I waited, and I told him because I was pregnant, he told me that didn't matter and I could have had the procedure done anyway, and saved myself a lot of pain!
Reply:its ok but at longs u dont get an x ray

And, I had a white filling.. that didn't matter that I was pregnant. They had no problems numbing me up (was for a root canal, then filling two weeks later) You can also get xrays regardless of what others say.. you just have to make sure they double shield you.

Get them done so you don't have to worry about it later!
Reply:Most dentists will tell you to call back in your 2nd trimester.
Reply:Yes , It is very safe. Or else they wouldn't let you do it. I had a several fillings and a bad infection which required antibiotics.I had them all while pregnant and my daughter was borned very healthy. For an x-ray they will have you cover up your belly for the baby's safty.So Yes it is safe.
Reply:If you were not showing, you would have to tell him, but if he sees that you are that far along and still schedules it it is fine.

It isnt as if he uses general anaesthesia is it?
Reply:Yes its safe to have cavities filled at this stage of your pregnancy, your dentist knows best and wouldnt book you in if he/she felt it wasn't safe to do so.

Just remind your dentist on the day that you are pregnant and in your third term incase he/she requires an x-ray and also make sure you eat a good meal before you go to the dentist so that the adrenaline wont be too much for you and make you faint and also you may be numb for a while so it might be hard for you to eat after the treatment so stock up before it....... remember your feeding two!!!!!!!!!

best of luck
Reply:Its really up to your OBGYN, your dentist should call and have the procedure approved or have you get a release.
Reply:yes it's safe. I had some filled when I was pregnant just check with your doc first to be sure.
Reply:I had alot of dental work done while I was pregnant, its ok.. Its better to have the work done than to be in all that pain.. If it wasnt safe the dentist wouldnt do it.. And for when they take the x-rays they will put a sheild over your belly so not to harm the baby... Good Luck
Reply:yes, no problem at all....

and of course, the dentist won't allow it if it won't be okay..

since they will be charged or something if something will happen to you...
Reply:Yup it is very safe...if you are concerned ask your doctor but you will be fine i promise!
Reply:Not only is it safe, but it is strongly reccommended keep up with your dental care during pregnancy. There is a correlation between women with pregnancy complications and those who have not kept up with their dental care. Sounds weird, but it's true! Ask your personal OB whetther he reccommends getting the cavity filled. There is some conflicting opinions as to whether these procedures should be done during pregnancy. Also, sometimes they say it is only ok during the 2nd trimester.
Reply:I had dental work done because my teeth were so bad the infection was going to the baby just make sure you tell them you are pregnant and if they do x-ray have them cover you with a shield
Reply:99% of the time, yes. Usually they recommend you wait until the second trimester. Check with your OB just to make sure there's not any reason that you can't. There are a couple of different medicines that they can safely inject to numb you and work. And your dentist knows this, but just be sure they don't do X-rays or give you gas.

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