Monday, November 16, 2009

Minor Cavities?

I just went to the denist and they said I had two small cavitites. I'm wondering what they do when you have 'minor' cavities in between the teeth, and how much it would hurt. I'm really afraid of the denist so if you could help me that'd be great! thanks!

Minor Cavities?
The sooner they are filled the better. No it doesn't hurt anymore. The dentist will give you something that will numb your gum area and it won't take very much time to have them filled. The drill makes noise but since the cavities are small there should be no pain at all. I remember when I was scared, I told the dentist and he gave me some liquid to drink and I was fine and delighted that it didn't hurt like it did many years ago. If you are on a blood thinner or have any heart trouble like rheumatic fever, you will need to take antibiotics first so check with your doctor to see if you need them. Smile and be happy you got them filled before they got big.
Reply:I am 60 years old and still have all my teeth. The main reason is I go to the dentist every 6 months and get fixed whatever my teeth need, even gum surgery.

The dentist will administer novacaine to numb the area around the teeth.

I do deep breathing and total body relaxation when I am in the chair. Zone out.

Suck up your fears and face them. It will make you a stronger person.
Reply:If it gets any worse, the pain will be much much worse.

I'm also scared of the dentist, i had a huge thing done yesterday (and i'm 20 and scared)

It really won't hurt if its a small cavity. My cavity was fairly large and i have a small headache today and thats it. No big!

Good luck and make sure you don't put it off!
Reply:it is very important to take care of those cavities now before they get worse because once they get to the nerve you will need a root canal to be able to save the tooth.root canals are very expensive.

you will not feel pain. Before a filling the doctor will get the area anesthetize.

and make sure to take care of your teeth brush twice a day and make sure you floss at least once a day to prevent cavities between your teeth.
Reply:hi sweetie. go to the dentist. the longer you wait the harder it will be. your small cavities will turrn into big ones and you may need a root canal and crown.
Reply:there gonna have to get a drill and drill down to the gum and then rip the teeth out if it gets any worse.

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