Saturday, November 14, 2009

I had three cavities now my gums are cut and bleeding?

I had to go a new dentist yesterday to save money, this guy did three facial cavities and now I have cut and bleeding gums.

How do I help my gums heal?

I had three cavities now my gums are cut and bleeding?
Bleeding gums are most frequently linked back to a chronic and persistent condition, such as gingivitis, which forces the body to respond in a persistent manner to remove the source of the inflammation, in this case bacteria. Since the bacteria cannot be eradicated, as would be the case with an acute wound site that could be cleaned out, sterilized, and then directly treated with antibiotics, the recurrent nature of the irritant expresses itself in a low grade fever frequently not noticeable to the patient and also a continuous immune system response from the body. Failure to deal with gums bleeding will lead to the necessity to deal with gums receding. If it would still take more than 10 wild horses to drag you to the dentist at this point, the sad reality dictates that you might find yourself with your gum tissue destroyed to such an extent that an extensive skin graft is the only way of saving your teeth. Do not let things progress this far if you have the opportunity to seek out dental health care.

Reply:Were these cavities near the gum or under the gum?Your gums should not be cut, if they were close to the gum a retraction should have been used around the tooth to prevent this.But you can try rinsing with salt water for a couple days.I work at a low income dental office (state) and we are more high tech than the pricer dental offices in the area. But it's probley normal so just use the salt water and good luck!!

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