Monday, November 16, 2009

How do they fill cavities between teeth?

I think I have a cavity between two of my teeth in the lower left quadrant, it's slightly painful and when i floss the floss just shreds. I also think I can just about see a little brown spot on the front facing surface of one of the teeth, although it's difficult to tell. I haven't been to the dentist for many years, and have never had any fillings before. How do they fill cavities between teeth? Do they go in from the side or the top? Does it hurt? And will it be a silver filling or a white one? Thanks for your help!

How do they fill cavities between teeth?
Fillings between the teeth are VERY common. They are referred to as MO (mesial occlusal), DO (distal occlusal) or MOD (mesial distal occlusal) fillings.... this refers to the surface or surfaces of the teeth that are being filled. Distal being towards the back of the mouth... mesial being towards the front of the mouth... and occlusal being the top of the tooth. Other surfaces are the buccal or facial surface which is towards the cheek, the lingual surface which is towards the tongue and the incisal edge which is the tip of a front tooth as there is no occlusal (top).

The dentist will perform the procedure by going in from the top (or occlusal) surface of the tooth. After the prep has been made to the tooth and the caries have been removed, a metal band called a matrix band is placed around the tooth so the filling can be placed without interferring with the tooth beside it.

Xrays taken at regular cleanings and exams are necessary to be able to diagnose cavities in between the teeth as they cannot always be detected by doing just an exam.
Reply:They go from the top and as long as it isn't so deep that it goes into the root, it will not be painful.

They will do an x-ray to check the damage and will do a white filling if you ask. Stay away from metal fillings, just in case your dentist is old fashioned and still using mercury fillings.
Reply:I have gotten lots of fillings, and if you think you have a cavity, go see your local dentist! I have had several before, and they fill it with, well, a filling. It's like glue. And, no, it doesn't hurt. They numb your mouth for you, so it's completely painless. As for the color of the filling, it depends on what your dentist has. But you can ask him/her, and they'll tell you for sure. Good luck!

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