Monday, November 16, 2009

What will happen if i dont get my cavities filled now?

when i was 14 i went to the dentist and the doc said i have 4 cavities. well my mom never got them filled for me and not because she didnt have the money but because she just wasnt the best mom. now at 20 i recently had a baby and my mom had me move to pittsburgh with her to make up for things. well 2 nights ago i was eating and peices of one of my teeth that has a cavity fell out. now the hole is huge i have a lot of pain in my head and side of face. she told me she would get it filled then blew it off. this morning it is even worse the pain that is. and i told her she needs to take me and she freaked out and said it will be a long while until she could do that and basicly wont even let me make an apointment. i just moved here so i do not have a job and now she is kicking me and my baby out over the issue . so im wounder how bad this is if its hurting and bleeding a little. and what i should do i do not have a job or car. im moving back to in. can iget insurence since i have a baby?

What will happen if i dont get my cavities filled now?
you will have to get root canals later!
Reply:Your tooth will rot out.
Reply:Better go right away- you can get a abscess - a infection in your face that could travel somewhere else in your body! Don't delay dental work it could turn into a serious illness! It happened to my ex- he had to get brain surgery-abscess traveled to his brain! It was a nightmare!
Reply:you'll look old
Reply:They will continue to get bigger and you might want to get the major ones filled now and wait until your ready finiancialy.

If the dentist says get them done now i would.
Reply:Well I had to have a molar extracted and a root canal %26amp; crown on another. Not fun.
Reply:It will rot your entire tooth and you will need a root canal.
Reply:If it fell out then the nerve is exposed. You probably need a root canal. Just had one last wasn't pleasant or cheap. Sorry.
Reply:the caviatie will eventually get bigger and deeper then u will have a ton of pain in ur mouth thenu will have to get major surjury.
Reply:The cavaties will get bigger and eventually get into the root.

Once there you have no other option than to have a root canal done.

Your teeth will become very sensitive to hot and cold as well!
Reply:Yes you should be able to get insurance! Please go check and as for your tooth it will only get worse!!! You need to have it filled. You could end up losing it!!! I would go!
Reply:You'll have to get a root canal (which is 100 times worse),

You tooth and probably other teeth will rot out, and you will be known as "Yuck mouth" by everyone you know.
Reply:Try state aid, they provide dental and this sounds like a bad problem. You have to see a dentist.
Reply:wen i was little i had really bad cavities in my two back teeth and i had to get root canals this past january because i couldnt get them filled earlier cuz i was 2 little.
Reply:The answer is YES!!! you have broke the tooth and it is going to need some major repair and possibly be extracted and a new one made for its place. apply for insurance. you are really going to need it.
Reply:Ya that is really sad...sorry to say but your mom sounds really mean! You should have gotten them filled as soon as they got there...but like you said that really wasn't an option. Maybe you could go see if you can get insurance, I can just imagine the pain and discomfort...ouch! Try your best to get into the dentist, because if you leave it, it will only get worse, and possibly infected.
Reply:go to the emergency room if you cant get seen in a clinic. It can get infected and not to scare you, but infections in your gum line is too close to the brain for comfort. You don't want to mess with dental infections. I had one and my dentist sent me home with the words: "Come back in 2 days and for God's sake, don't die on me". Scary as heck, but I was the idiot that waited 2 months to get an infected tooth fixed and I was playing Russian Roullette apparently, so please get it checked out.
Reply:At 20 years old you should be able to take care of yourself. If you don't get your cavities filled eventually your head will rot out and fall off.

It is thought that the Egyptian pharoah, King Tut, died from a tooth infection because x-rays of his mummy revealed one side of his jaw eaten away. This stuff can kill you.
Reply:The reason that your tooth fell out is because the cavity grew and did basically what coke would do to your teeth. You are in bad shape. You need to buy a sonicare tooth brush and some good mouthwash after scheduling an appointment to the dentist. Hope everything goes well!
Reply:You should get you and the baby on medicaid , they cover dental , as long as it isn't cosmetic , (like braces or teeth whitening ) , they will drill it out and fill it in . If you want more info on it e-mail me , and i'll get it for you !
Reply:I'd try and get in somewhere (even to a walk in hospital clinic) to at least get a prescription for an antibiotic for the infection/pain.

I work in a dental office and can tell you from personal experience most people who call or walk in with the same situations end up having the teeth pulled (it's expensive for a root canal).

Maybe try explaining to your mom how important your teeth are, and that you at least need to get in to get the teeth that can be saved fixed while it's still possible.

Good Luck, I hope everything works out for you.
Reply:Your teeth can get crooked and it will be hard to eat. DO something now before it catches up with you in your old age.
Reply:kinda same situation as car but i also have i depend on who is available that i know that will give me a ride since hubby is at work all day. You may not have friends that will take you simply to the dentist but since your 20 years old i think that you need to take a step up and if people cant do things for you then what do you do then? you do it yourself! right? these are the kinds of things i learn...doing it yourself may be taking a bus...asking a neighbor...those things, and i dont know why you havent looked into insurance already...this is the first thing you need to do!
Reply:You should be able to go to the Welwafe department and explain to them the situation that you are in. They should know of a place like a homeless shelter or a woman's house that you could stay in temp. As for your tooth, if you were to go to the hospital, they are not allowed to deny you servies because you have no insurance. You could at least get a shot or something for pain. Also, you should qualify for Food Stamps and yes, an insurance card. In most states, you can get emergency medical insurance.

Your tooth will only get worse if you let it go any longer. If you are loosing pieces off of it, it will not be too much longer before the entire nerve ending will be bare and let me tell you, that is very painful.
Reply:if you do not get your teeth filled soon. Your tooth can decay further. if you do not get dental attention soon. The nerves that connect to your teeth can eventually become exposed.

I guarantee you that you will be crying from the pain if your tooth becomes infected. Tooth pain can be extremely painful.

Tooth extraction may be another course of action if you do not seek dental care.

Your best bet is to try to preserve healthy teeth and get them fixed as soon as you can. Having infected teeth can make you sick or it could jepardize your life if you don't get antibiotics to kill the infection. Tooth extractions are very painful as well.

I just had one of my teeth extracted at the University of Michigan hospital last week. I had the most painful head and facial pain after my tooth was extracted.

Basically, the choice is yours. Get it fixed or don't get it fixed.

I must warn you that you will be sorry if you don't get treatment soon.

Good Luck
Reply:Go to the emergency room. Theyll pull it for you. When you get some money you can get an implant. Dont let it go it can get infected and become life threatening. And in the future please do not trust your mother again she apparently has issues.
Reply:Whoa, your obviously in what is called "between a rock and a hard place"...Your first priority of course is to see that your child is safe and taken care of. Once you have accomplished that you can begin to deal with your dental issues because from how you describe them their only going to get worse and can cause some serious health issues for you. First check and see if there is a Dental College near enough that you can get to it..if there is you need to call the schools "Out Patient Clinic" as they can provide the dental services you need and given your financial circumstances I suspect those services will be Free...or, call your local hospital and see if they have a Dental Internship Program. If they do, those types of facilities operate much like the Out Patient Clinic of a dental school...graduate dentists provide dental services and the fees are based on your ability to pay. Dental issues you describe you have can become very serious so don't delay in seeing how you can go about getting them taken care of. I wish you well and Good luck.
Reply:If you let them go to long you will either have to get root canals or have the teeth extracted. You however need to get to the dentist right away to take care of the immediate problem. You may have an infection . Going untreated will cause further problems. I to let some of my teeth go without getting small cavitys fixed now I need either sevral root canals or have the teeth extracted and get a partial denture that I don't want. Try contacting you local welfare office to see if you can get any kind of assistance to help pay for your bill. Good luck

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