Friday, November 13, 2009

Several cavities?

i've had maybe 5 cavities, and now i have 4 more, but i brush my teeth every single day and always have. could there be something wrong with my teeth? i don't drink pop or anything.

Several cavities?
well maybe you need to floss. it happened to my brother also but his problem was chicken.
Reply:you should brush and floss your teeth at least twice a day. See your Dentist, twice a year, for a teeth cleaning and a general teeth and gum check up. (My father is a retired dentist) This is what he recommends That every one should do.
Reply:make sure to floss like above person mentioned, and really get under the gum line so you don't get gum disease...check in with a dentist/hygienist to make sure your form for flossing and brushing is correct. you may not drink soda but a lot of other foods are pretty acidic; one good habit is to rinse your mouth for maybe 20 seconds to help neutralize acids on your teeth surfaces.
Reply:check u diet u might have high sugar in it
Reply:i think some people are more prone to cavities than others maybe something to do with levels of bacteria in their mouth. worth discussing with your dentist.

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