Friday, May 21, 2010

Can a neti pot clear up chronically infected sinus cavities?

I've been told by a doctor, after looking at my X-rays, that I'll need surgery to clear the cavities. However, "only in America" (as they say) - no health insurance... What can I do?

Can a neti pot clear up chronically infected sinus cavities?
Hi timmarlowe53, do not hurry with surgery,

Will Previously try these recipes:

Use Usnea. Its a lichen. It taste horrible, and I won't even pretend it doesn't. But it cleared up my sinistitis in 2 days. It also cleared up my bronchitis in 2 days. Course it took me a week to get the nerve to drink the stuff, its that bitter.

Other wise, you can try Brighamtea, horesraddish and cayenne. For immediate relief of sinus pressure use 20 drops. 1/4 teaspoon in 2 oz of hot water. May be taken every 30 mins. Provided you are not allergic to the ingredients.

You can also use all powdered: Cayenne, 1 part Bayberry root bark, 2 parts Golden Seal. Mix and sift through a fine sieve. Use as a snuff.

Personally I did not like the neti pot method. It was a mess to use and I almost had to take my shirt off to keep from getting it wet. More importantly, it also was not effective for me. Some people say a neti pot works well for them, so it might be worth a try.

Jason Homan
Reply:Yes chronically infected sinus cavities can be cleared

without resorting to surgery using neti pot. Please visit

my profile and click on to neti pot question wherein I have

given detailed explanation as well as pros and cons in

performing neti. It will enlighten you on this subject.

Best of Luck.
Reply:Neti pots are wonderful!!! I use mine daily, in the shower, once the steam has had a chance to loosen the junk in my sinuses up. So far I have come thru flu season unscathed, and haven't had a serious problem with allergies. I only recommend warm saline solution tho.

I highly recommend SinuCleanse, it's a great package for beginners, and it's available at most major pharmacies.
Reply:Breath Easy Tea and eat plenty of Raw garlic, Also Dandelion tea can help too! Also go see a Herbalist or a Naturopath!

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