Tuesday, May 18, 2010

How do you know if you have cavities?(without asking a dentist)?

As most of us know, now that toothpastes are getting so good that they are fighting cavities and having dentists losing money for not needing much filling for cavities appointments.

So chances are some are lying. How do you know if you really have them or not?

How do you know if you have cavities?(without asking a dentist)?
A sign of dental carries (cavities) is a discolored spot on the tooth. Tooth decay may be a number of different colors. Sometimes orange, or black or brown.....

Without a well trained eye it can be very difficult to spot decay. It can hide underneath fillings, or in places that you can not see in the mirror, like between your teeth. This is why X-rays are taken during your 6 mo. cleaning and exam.

I am a certified dental assistant and even though people brush and floss....there will always be tooth decay. Food can become lodged in areas that are unaccessable by a toothbrush or missed while flossing. IE: under an exsisting filling or crown.

Though it is true that preventative maintance is highly suggested, such as sealants for the molars and sometimes premolars, decay will never vanish from a dentists vocabulary. Some people are more prone to cavities than others. This is why it is important to visit your Dr. 2 a yr. not to mention....cleanings are necessary. Calculus (tarter) can not be removed by brushing and no one is exempt from forming calculus. Calculus is that hard substance that is ramoved from your gumline. If not removed, it can cause a whole bunch of different issues IE: periodontal disease (which can cause bone loss in the mandible and maxilla...if not treated)

Usually a dentist will not lie about having a cavity. They aren't going to risk their practice for a couple $100. If you suspect that a dentist is lying all you would have to do is get a second opion. If the second dentist said that you do not have a cavity...you have a law suit on your hands. It may happen...but. most likely not. Dentists are trained to keep your mouth healthy and restore any problem areas. They are terrified of law suits. So...if you are told you have a cavity chances are...you do. If the Dr. didn't tell you and you let it go...you can also sew for malpractice. Anything that is going on in your mouth you will be told about to avoid the Dr. from getting in trouble later on. It is up to you to trust your Dr. If you don't...find a new one!
Reply:If it hurts when you eat sweets or if you are super-sensitive to hot and cold.
Reply:well a cavity means a hole.....it could be microscopic....that is why we have dentist.....if i knew it all then i would be a dentist
Reply:When you eat something sweet and it touches the tooth, its gonna hurt and your teeth and that side of your mouth will feel very sensitive and a bit pained for a few minutes. You will know. You should still go to a dentist though, because cavities stink and they are very hard to deal with if you wait too long.
Reply:Hmm.... black spots, pain, bad breath.

I really don't think dentists are losing money. Some of us get our teeth cleaned often. Are you afraid of the dentist?
Reply:by the time you know you have a cavity chances are its gonna have to be filled to save the tooth.Brushing twice a day really helps.And little candy and pop.mountain dew my denist said any pop is bad.I heard sugar form an apple is too.
Reply:you may get a bad taste in your mouth or a toothache or sensitivity to hot or cold..
Reply:How about black pits in your tooth biting surface.................that is always a good indicator.......pain is a good one too. but that is when you may already need an extraction.
Reply:i first noticed a very small spot in my molar. It didn't hurt till i went to the dentist and they push their tools into it and i think i could have gone a few more years without seeing the dentist.
Reply:You can wait until you have pain so bad you want to rip your head off of your neck. Then you will need a root canal %26amp; crown to fix the tooth which costs thousands of dollars. Or you can have the tooth extracted %26amp; think your problems are all over. In reality, pulling a tooth is equal to cutting off a finger or toe; you can live without it but why would you choose to do so when you can save it??? Once you have that tooth pulled it's like a fence without all of its pickets; it starts to undermine the integrity of the whole system. So then you have to think about replacing the missing tooth and that also runs into thousands of dollars.

Or you can trust a trained dental professional who happened to get into dentistry to help people. Sure, there are some dentists who got into the profession for the money, but like other professions, an educated consumer (one who asks questions %26amp; takes part in their own health with the help of a professional)can tell an honest dentist from a greedy one.

Ask your teachers, postman, banker, mechanic--people you trust for referrals to a good dentist in your area. Check with the state dental board in your area for any complaints against the dentist you are "interviewing." But most of all if your dentist says "you have a small cavity," by all means, have that cavity filled before it becomes large.
Reply:drink something very hot, very cold, chew something very sweet and gooey. If you can do that without complaint then you are good to go.
Reply:very few dentists lie. healthy teeth are very important and can affect your overall health. bad teeth can affect pregnancy, your heart, and the bones in your face(jaws). maybe you need a referral for a reputable dentist in your area. call the better business bureau. but if you insist on checking yourself heres your answer- push a pin ( metal, blunt) onto the surface that you believe has a cavity, if it feels sticky then you need a filling. i am not a dentist, but used to work for one.
Reply:The only true way to know if you have a cavity is to have xrays taken. You (or I) could look in your mouth and not see anything, yet you could have cavities between your teeth. Xrays will show these spots of decay.

Also, cavities will feel 'sticky' when pressed into with a dental explorer. Again, this is something that would be done at a dental office.

Toothpastes will never be good enough to prevent all cavities. There are many factors that contribute to cavities, and there is no way a toothpaste could predict and fight them all.

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