Friday, May 21, 2010

Is it possible for my small cavities to re-mineralize? How?

im flossing, brushing for more often, and using a flouride mouthwash

also im chewing gum containing xylitol

i need help plz

i got 7 cavities

im not taking a no for an answer

Is it possible for my small cavities to re-mineralize? How?
Some people are just prone to cavities regardless of what measures are taken to prevent them. It's just genetics sometimes. Sounds like you are doing everything you can.
Reply:When cavities haven't penetrated the enamel, they can stay that way. These are called arrested decay, I have seen them stay that way for years.

Be sure that you are not sipping on drinks with sugar or high acid (diet sodas) during the day. Water or unsweetened tea, please. There are prescription high concentrate toothpastes available that will be helpful. One product is called Prevident, although there are several others. Your dds would have to write a prescription for that.

It sounds like you are trying to do the best for your teeth. Be sure to have your check up xrays done every year to catch those that might break through to the dentin and need to be repaired.

You don't purge or have reflux do you? That stomach acid can really do a number on teeth. Good luck.
Reply:It is possible for incipient areas of deacay to remineralize. By incipient I mean that the cavity has not progressed through the enamel of the tooth into the next layer (dentin). The enamel layer of the tooth has tubules (like pores on our skin) if these tubules have adequate fluoride they can remineralize and become what is called arrested decay. You must floss and keep the plaque from accumulating and use a fluoride mouthrinse daily like ACT. If these areas of decay get into the dentin layer of the tooth then they must be filled. Good Luck !! Floss floss floss and no soda. The acid mixed with the carbonation will defeat everything. Even diet pop.
Reply:Modern diet so probably they won't re-mineralize. Grandma taught on a reservation and the health nurse there found lots of kids with cavities that had healed over. Not all though. It was a different time and diet.
Reply:It is not possible for actual cavities to remineralize. Only if it is the very start of demineralization and not through the enamel. You'd be able to tell because it would just be a chalky patch on your enamel, but no actual hole. Fluoride and xylitol do help to remineralize your enamel and can help prevent your cavities from getting any worse, but the best thing is to get those cavities filled. Then continue taking care of your teeth so that you don't get any more cavities in the future. =)
Reply:Yes, it *is possible* for cavities that are still only in the enamel to remineralize or stay in a steady state. (I have observed/followed early cavities in enamel that had not changed for 9 years in one patient). You are doing the right things, brushing, flossing and fluoride (such as Act) to help remineralize these incipient cavities. A dentist can prescribe you stronger fluoride such as Gel Kam if necessary. I will tell you that there is a difference between what one dentist will watch and another will fill in the case of small or incipient cavities. You can always get a second opinion on these early cavities from another dentist.(bring the recent x-rays) You can tell if the decay has progressed into the second layer of tooth by an x-ray, usually the "bitewing" x-ray. When the bacteria have entered the second layer or dentin layer the cavitiy must be restored. At this time the cavity causing bacteria are "facultaive" meaning that they have changed their metabolism from needing air to not needing air. Once in the second layer they continue to distroy the tooth and must be removed.

It is especially important to floss before bedtime because you salivate less during sleep allowing the bacterial colonies to increase (you swallow some bacteria during the day and less so during sleep). After brushing and flossing, take a drink of water if you wish and the last thing you do is use the fluoride rinse. The point is to allow the fluoride to sit on the teeth to remineralize them without dilluting it. Someone else also suggested that soda and diet soda are bad because they are highly acidic. This is true. I have observed an increase in cavities among patients who have lost weight and begin drinking a lot of diet soda. Better to drink water or iced tea than soda. Good luck!

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