Tuesday, May 18, 2010

What is it in the body that makes one more susceptible to cavities?

There is something in the body - Some people have more of it and some people don't. Those that have more of it (again - I can't remember the name) have LESS cavities. Those with lower levels of whatever it is, have MORE cavities...

I thought it was pH or magnesium, but I can't find anything on it.

Can anyone help?

What is it in the body that makes one more susceptible to cavities?
Is it Calcium? That sounds right. People with calcium deficiencies are usually more likely to get osteoporosis (brittleness of the bone).....and of course hygiene is important but I know what you are asking.
Reply:Dental hygiene is a larger contributor to tooth decay rather than an elemental deficiency.
Reply:I have had more than my share of cavities. I brush my teeth and clean between them ,etc. daily but they are SOFT enamel. My dentist said that people with soft enamel teeth are more prone to cavities. This is largely hereditary also. To try to prevent cavities you can get a sealant put on teeth that is as brushed on and has to be reapplied every 6 months. There may be an age limit they do those for on that though.

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